
Introduction of Empathizer



世界遺産屋久島の森の中で 2000 本のキャンドルを灯し、大人も子供も、赤ちゃんからお年寄りまでみんなで楽しむ、自然と響き合う幻想的な音楽祭「やくしま森祭り」を立ち上げ、19年目を迎える。 
Ayako Ikeda
(Singer, songwriter, artist) https://www.ikedaayako.com/ 
She is now in her 19th year of launching the Yakushima Forest Festival, a fantastic music festival that resonates with nature, where 2000 candles are lit in the forests of the World Heritage Site of Yakushima and enjoyed by everyone from babies to the elderly, adults and children alike. 



Yoshikazu Ikeya
(Painter, picture book author, multi-creator) https://www.artistyoshi.com/
In addition to painting and writing, Ikeya is actively involved in live painting and other art performances with children, mainly at preschools and nursery schools throughout Japan.


(マリンエデュケーター・レーシングカヤック元日本代表)https://www.tidepool.jp/course「自然と、対話と、冒険と」葉山でキャンプ・焚火体験 | うみやま葉山(uminohoshi.jp)子どもたちには、楽しいだけでなく怖さも知って欲しい。海でも山でも、必ず生きて帰ること、そして共に生き合う大切さを伝える活動を行っている。 
Naoki Imamura
(Marine educator and former Japanese representative for racing kayaks) https://www.tidepool.jp/course “With Nature, Dialogue, and Adventure” Camping and Bonfire Experience in Hayama | Umyama Hayama (uminohoshi.jp) I want children to know not only fun but also fear. Whether in the ocean or in the mountains, they always return home alive, and they work to convey the importance of living together.



Miho Owada
(Actress) https://miho-ohwada.com/
She studied music therapy, organizes music events for children with cancer and other serious illnesses and their families, and is a support ambassador for Yokohama Children's Hospice.

(実業家、DJ、コミュニケーションクリエイター) https://withals.com/

東京パラリンピック開会式出演クリエイター。ALS の課題解決を起点に、「全ての人が自分らしく挑戦できる BORDERLESS な社会を創造する」ことをミッションに活動している。
Masatane Muto
 (Businessman, DJ, Communication Creator) https://withals.com/
Masatane Muto is the creator of the Tokyo Paralympics Opening Ceremony, and his mission is to “create a BORDERLESS society where all people can take on challenges in their own way” by solving ALS issues.



11 月 30 日 (土) 14時20分~(約30分)
 「こぶしえん」にて 〒153-0064東京都目黒区下目黒6ー18ー2

主催者や関係者と真骨頂5名と期待大5名の方の“作品展示”と“まちづくりArtist認定証の授与”を行うインクルーシブティータイム (だれでも参加できます)

We invite you to sympathize with the works submitted by various people from their own perspectives, and furthermore, each of the five sympathizers will face all the works submitted and cuneate one quintessential and one highly anticipated one as a pilot of diversity and mutual understanding.
The city you live in. The city you are visiting. The city you want to visit.
Let's start building such a town together. 

November 30 (Sat) 14:20 - (about 30 minutes)
At “Kobushi En”, 2-6-18 Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 153-0064, Japan
Tea time with the organizers and related parties, “exhibition of works” by the 5 most quintessential artists and 5 highly anticipated artists, and “awarding of community development artist certificates” (open to all). 

 〒152-0003 東京都目黒区碑文谷 1-11-15碑 Studio内「ぼーだれす芸術祭」係
 TEL: 03(5734)1642 
 メール:[email protected]
For inquiries, please contact
 Bodacious Art Festival” Section, Hito Studio, 1-11-15 Himonya, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-0003, Japan
 TEL: 03(5734)1642 
 Email: [email protected]
城南信用金庫 碑衾支店 654081
Support and Sponsorship
Jonan Shinkin Bank, Hibusuma Branch 654081